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Can dentures be Stabilized with Dental Implants?

Asad A | March 13, 2024

Dentures are a reliable solution for individuals facing tooth loss, providing functionality and aesthetics to those in need of tooth replacement. However, traditional dentures have limitations, including discomfort, instability, and difficulty chewing certain foods. The advancements in dental technology have introduced a solution: dentures stabilized with dental implants.

Can dentures be stabilized with dental implants? Let us explore the concept of stabilizing dentures with dental implants, how the process works, its benefits, and what to expect during treatment.

What are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures, also known as overdentures, are a type of denture that is secured in place by dental implants. Traditional dentures typically depend on adhesive or suction for stability, while implant-supported dentures are securely anchored to the jawbone, offering enhanced stability and functionality.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Implant-Supported Dentures?

The type of dental implant restoration you need relies on how many teeth are missing and the number of dental implant screws needed to secure your tooth replacement. Implant-supported dentures provide patients with full-arch tooth replacement by strategically placing implants within the jaw. When replacing a full upper or lower set of teeth, our implant surgeon works with your restorative dentist to determine the ideal number of implants required to support your full-arch denture. Typically, successfully anchoring an implant-supported denture involves placing 4 – 6 implants at strategic locations along the jaw. This stabilization approach allows more patients to effectively replace missing teeth.

How Do Implant-Supported Dentures Work?

The procedure for stabilizing dentures with dental implants consists of the following steps:

Consultation and Treatment Planning:

During the consultation, the dentist evaluates your oral health to see if you are a suitable candidate for implant-supported dentures. X-rays and impressions of your mouth may be taken to create a customized treatment plan.

Implant Placement:

Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The number of implants needed depends on the patient's individual requirements and the type of denture being utilized.


After the implants are placed, the jawbone requires time to heal and the implants to fuse with the bone. This integration process, known as osseointegration, usually takes several months.

Abutment Placement:

Once osseointegration is complete, abutments (connectors) are attached to the implants. These abutments serve as attachment points for the denture.

Denture Attachment:

Custom-made dentures are then attached to the abutments, providing a secure and natural-looking restoration.

Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures come with several advantages compared to traditional dentures, including:

  • Improved Stability:

Since implant-supported dentures are anchored to the jawbone, they are less likely to move or shift while eating or speaking.

  • Enhanced Chewing Ability:

Implant-supported dentures restore the biting and chewing power of natural teeth, allowing individuals to eat a wider variety of foods confidently.

  • Preservation of Jawbone:

Dental implants encourage the jawbone, helping to prevent bone loss and preserve facial structure.

  • Improved Speech: 

Implant-supported dentures provide a more secure foundation, allowing for clearer and more natural speech.

How to Care for Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures require regular care and maintenance to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. This includes:

Proper Oral Hygiene:

Brush and floss every day to eliminate plaque and bacteria from around the implants and dentures.

Regular Dental Checkups:

Make it a habit to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. This helps monitor the health of your implants and address any issues promptly.

Avoiding Hard Foods:

While implant-supported dentures are more durable than traditional dentures, it's still important to avoid chewing on hard objects or foods that could damage them.

Caring for Implant-Supported Dentures

Caring for implant-supported dentures is essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Here are some key steps to follow:

  • Brushing: Brush your implant-supported dentures daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. It helps remove food particles and plaque from dentures and implants.

  • Flossing: You can use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between the implants and under the dentures. This helps stop the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in hard-to-reach areas.

  • Rinse: After meals, rinse your mouth and dentures with water to remove the remaining food debris. This helps maintain oral hygiene and prevents bacteria growth.

  • Regular Checkups: Schedule regular visits to your dentist for checkups and professional cleanings. Your dentist will examine your implants and dentures for any signs of damage or infection.

  • Avoid Hard Foods: Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods that can damage your implant-supported dentures. Stick to soft and non-sticky foods to prevent unnecessary strain on the dentures and implants.


So, Can dentures be stabilized with dental implants?" Implant-supported dentures offer a stable and effective solution for individuals seeking to improve their dentures' stability, comfort, and functionality. Patients can enjoy restored confidence in their smiles and enhanced quality of life by anchoring dentures to dental implants.

Ready to explore the benefits of implant-supported dentures? Contact Dental Arts of Florida in Jacksonville, FL, today! New patients can call at (904) 822-9786, while all other callers can call at (904) 416-7047 to schedule a consultation and discover how dental implants can stabilize dentures and transform your smile.


Most individuals are eligible for implant-supported dentures, but candidacy depends on factors such as overall health, jawbone density, and gum health. A dental professional can determine if the procedure is suitable for you.

A successful anchor for implant-supported dentures typically involves placing 4 – 6 implants at strategic points along the jaw. However, the number of implants needed may vary depending on individual circumstances and treatment plans.

Implant-supported dentures can last a lifetime, providing a durable and long-term solution for restoring your smile and improving oral health.

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